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The Difference between Truth and Reality





The Truth is simple. It has no polar opposite and it requires no special techniques, physical positions, elevated level of fitness or mental acuity to attain.


Yep. Sounds pretty easy. It is a cake walk...once you can separate yourself from reality. That's the big trick. So let's look at reality and see just what we have to do to release it and leap over to the simple LOVE ONLY PLATFORM.

Reality is where you are if you are reading this book, sitting in meditation, in a waiting room or looking for a friend on Social Media. Reality is the game of anonymity we are all in the middle of playing. To be even more specific, it is a mind-boggling complex game. So intense we think it is who and where we are. Like going to a movie and being caught up in the plot and the characters until we are weeping and laughing and feeling a part of their lives. We know it is not real, but we insert ourselves so deeply we can't stop until the lights come on and we see the floor littered with the remnants of others who walked out leaving popcorn, soda cups and empty candy boxes in their wakes. In the dark we could not see that we were all in the theater together.

This game involves the planet Earth and its' easily seen solar system. It encompasses other vibratory patterns that do not engage in time or space and it feeds off of energy systems that often appear more disengaged from Earth or the Prime Creator, than we imagine we are at this moment.

WE ARE NOT AND HAVE NEVER BEEN DISCONNECTED TO THE SOURCE OF OUR EXISTENCE. Impossible. Because if Truth is LOVE only, with no polar opposite then nothing else can possibly exist. That is the TRUTH. We don't exist. Not as we imagine. Imagination is the key to understanding how we ended up in the middle of this fascinating conundrum.

If you are a big Bible reader and thump it wit the rhythm that made bigs bands famous, then you are familiar with the concept that we were brought forth in the likeness of our Creator. Many of us took that a tad too literally. We have the same power and energetic abilities because we are the Creator. If you believe the Prime Creator or Ignition Source (for the Big Bangers) is a flawless concept...then you simply can't make sense of believing that we live in chaos.

Think about it. God or Source is pure and without confusion or alternate emotions. By the way, our Creative Source is neither male nor female, it is all things homogenized. If we are open to the idea that

Source is above error, then how can we be reflections of that Energy and be such a train wreck of a species?

We can't and we are not. Plus, the human body or species is but one reflection of the entity that created us and the Universes we were turned loose in for the game. There are a host of for both tangible and imagined that operate as Divine reflections. We will explore the parade of fascinating options as we plug along.

We can call our Essence, Prime Creator, Source, God, Allah, Divine, Giant Head in the Sky, Ham Sandwich, anything really that we desire. It simply does not care. Language and labels are human games where the idea of creating "physical matter" was all the rage. You can call It, ANYTHING. Call it nothing and deny its existence. It does not care! There is no judgement if you embrace a religious order, dog paddle in the agnostic pool, or openly declare there is nothing beyond Earth but gas and dust. You are still viable Energy. Atheism is not a sin. Largely because there is no sin, but that is another topic down the road. A sinless existence is a difficult concept to grasp and even more difficult to embody. But it is one worth making the effort to understand. It is essential to letting go of gravity.

Gravity is an intensification of the feeling we get from believing we have weight and so must all our actions. It is that perceived weight and the force it exerts on our imagined physical beings that holds us so firmly in the Earth's atmosphere and inextricably linked to the game.

Sin concepts and beliefs act as one of the anchors or tie downs that makes gravity so difficult to escape.

I tell you all this and I am stuck here along side you. Paying a cell phone bill, driving a car and sending empathetic thought to those who believe themselves to be in deep states of depression, loss or suffering. All of which I know, first hand to be a lie or a state of mental confusion. To walk into Truth we have to release the reality game.

I did that and the experience was amazing. So, why I am back here, slogging away at life as know it? Because I agreed to play. More than that, I agreed to come in as a referee or a rule monitor. A director and a coach for those who seek to shift around a bit. To do that, is is easier to be here, right smack dab in the middle of the giant imagined mess that we call life on Earth.

There are fancy titles like Light Bringer, Star Seed, and countless others. I prefer moron or Idiot Savant. So beings like myself that know we have already finished the game on infinite occasions, come forth again to bring information and the map to get out of the mess.

It is so convoluted,that when you begin to understand the width and depth of this game we play, with, for around and to each and every Soul in the mix, you will be impressed with your amazingness! You have so many beliefs to comprehend and then release to get out of the game. Until you do, you might just keep returning from Spirit in the karmic loop. Karma is the belief that we owe our fellow game players points for actions we take, thoughts we have had or transgressions we believe we were involved in while we were playing the game. Karma is the belief that we have to keep returning until we become the absolute best version or our souls reflections.

Buying and selling experiences. Trading Love and fear with others who make agreements to bind to us in shifts. We imagine lifetimes, linear sequencing, time. space and the constant fear that our original production company has relegated us to the bargain bin movie pile. So we come back over and over and over. Making new and splashier entrances to get the audience to stand and applaud our efforts. When in fact, we have always been the writer/director and NEVER have we been the less than the star of the show.

That is because we are really all the same one. We are connected to the Divine in a an impossible to disconnect bond. We have to be ONE to exist here at all. Complicit in game of reality. Imagining we have to go find the TRUTH if we want to stop coming back and feeling as if we are suffering. Suffering is pat of reality that has no place in Truth. None. So figuring out how to let it go is job number one.

As you reflect back over your experiences as a whole or just this chapter of you own story there will be places where ownership of your own choices will be easier than other places. Times when this information will seem at odds with your belief system and situations. This is evidence that you have a most fantastic imagination and a very, game playing, competitive Spirit.

I will share with you my understanding and give you access to the beings and energetic collectives that are also trying to help you understand how you got mired in the fray. This is where I want to give you a little mono a mono tidbit. Shhhhh....Every being that is operating as a fragment in the game, from a Earth bound human to a grand Superconsciousness has an opinion. So nothing I share in this informational thread is complete TRUTH. With one exception.

TRUTH IS LOVE ONLY! When you grasp that you will truly be free.

As I move through the series of concepts I have been charged with explaining, please do not hesitate to ask me questions. The order of this online book is not carved in stone. Of course nothing is really. Stone is just another magnificent mental invention. Very popular. Especially at Easter when we imagine we assaulted one of our brothers and locked him in a cave and used one to prevent his body from being removed. But he was not imprisioned as we imagined and yet we cannot release the silly notion that we can cause harm to another and stop their Soul from engaging.

Oh my God, we've killed Kenny! And yet each week he is there episode after episode. Do you imagine you could really kill your sibling and they could be there for you day after day? How can your brother become your lord and savior when you do not need either one? That energetic being came to share with you as I am being asked to share. There is no penance to pay. Learn to Love all things in Truth, because when all is said and done, that is all you will have, want or need.


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